The committee has achieved targeted research results in many fields in response to the changes in the mechanization of construction projects. The sixteen subcommittees are committed to the research and study of technologies which are required for enhancement of safety and economy for the mechanization of projects, and as well as of technologies to reduce environmental impact.

Purposes and activities
  • Improvement of environmental impact, energy conservation, labor reduction, introduction of information technologies and cost reduction
  • Improvement of safety and ease of machine operation and construction
  • Preparation of manuals for selection and handling of construction equipment
  • Drafting of standards (ISO, JIS and JCMAS)
  • Distribution of low-noise construction machines and emission-controlled machines
  • Standardization of construction equipment terminology
  • Research on overseas specifications, standards and technical information on construction equipment
  • Research and study of increasingly-advanced maintenance technologies and maintenance projects for construction equipment
Technical Subcommittees
Preparation of the draft C standards, information, engines, tractors, excavators, dump trucks, equipment for road and pavement construction, machines for concrete work, air tools and pumps, machinery for foundation work, construction production machinery, snow removal equipment, tunneling machines, oil, computerized tools, machinery maintenance